Main logo image
Background image

Literary podcast app

The image
"Listen, Imagine, Explore: Your Literary Playground"
The desktop, the mobile, the sell phone
  • Role

    UX/UI Designer
  • Duration

    Jan 2024 (2 weeks)
  • Mentored

    S. Mohammadi (Senior PD at Bumble)
  • Tools

    Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Project overview


The literary podcast app is designed for iOS and Android platforms.
Image of Cervantes


User Flow

Low-fidelity wireframes

I designed the wireframes for Android and iOS platforms using human-centered guidelines and material design guidelines. 
  • logo

    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
  • Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
  • logo

    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
  • Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones


I created images for categories creative, abstract, and eye-catching to arouse interest among the users. I designed the podcast covers very differently, there are some light covers, and some dark ones. My idea was to show how my app will look with different covers because in real life there is a wide variety of them.

Usability test

I conducted the usability test with 10 participants to evaluate how usable the design is and what problems the user encounters when interacting with the application.

High-fidelity wireframes

  • logo

    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
  • Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
  • Cell phones
    Cell phones
  • logo

    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
  • Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
    Cell phones
  • Cell phones
    Cell phones

Key takeaways

Image of Arrow to the left

previous project

Thank you for watching!

Image of Arrow to the right

graphic design projects